Jewellery Molds

Expert jewellery mold making services for precise and consistent results.

Jewellery Mold Making Services: Precision molds for Fine Jewellery.


Achieve meticulous detail with each piece. Exact reproductions every time.


Streamline production with durable molds that can be used to replicate designs.


Maintain quality with each cast: Uniform products across multiple batches.

Crawford Casting's Suite of Mold Making Services

Rubber Selection

Tailored materials for each project’s specific needs.

Shrink Control

Minimized shrinkage for accuracy and product precision.

Expert Mold Cutting

Mold cutting plays a pivotal role in the overall quality and production.

Finishing Services

Elevate your jewelry to a masterpiece with our premium finishing services. From meticulous polishing to precise engraving, we ensure each piece achieves its pinnacle of beauty and resilience.

Our expert treatments imbue your treasures with a radiant, enduring finish that captivates and delights.

CAD Design Services

Unleash creative potential with our state-of-the-art CAD Design Services. Transform your visions into stunning, detailed digital models, primed for perfection.

This precision-driven process allows for seamless adjustments and meticulous refinements, ensuring flawless execution.

Tell us about your design.